

Metro Art Presents Kaleidoscope Chamber Orchestra

Union Station Historic Ticketing Hall

September 16, 2016 9:30pm - 12:30am

When was the last time you attended a classical music concert that went past midnight and felt more like a party? Don’t miss this special late night concert with Kaleidoscope, LA’s award winning conductor-less orchestra! The program features the exciting world premiere of Mosaic by Charles Peck, Beethoven Symphony No. 6 “Pastoral”, and an after party with DJ GAL mixing electronic music and dancing!

  • 9:00 – Doors open
  • 9:30 – Pre-concert talk with KUSC’s Rich Capparela
  • 10:00 – Kaleidoscope Chamber Orchestra
  • 11:00 – DJ GAL

Metro Art Presents showcases free arts and cultural programs at historic Union Station. Produced by Metro Art, the diverse, all ages programming is designed to creatively activate the landmark station, engage the Los Angeles community and attract new riders.